About the
Diploma in Bakery & Patisserie is a one year course
HSC Passed
Semester I
Bakery And Patisserie
Introduction To Baking Ingredients, Equipment Technology And Culinary Art,
Basic Bakery And Pastry Art
Bread And Yeast Raised Products
Basic Cakes And Cake Mixing Method
Basic Biscuits & Cookie Mixing Methods
Pastry Doughs
Artisan, Ethnic AndSpeciality Bread Speciality Cookies
Semester II
Classical Cakes, Sauces And Fillings
Chocolate And Confectionary Technology And Techniques Meringues
Contemporary Plated Desserts:
Cake Decorating And Cake Presentation
Entrepreneurship In Bakery &Patiserrie
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At DY Patil, we have dedicated and efficient the Career Service Departments/Placement cells for all of its constituent colleges that provide customized placement opportunities to its students as per their individual skill sets, capabilities and knowledge.