About the Mentor
Dr Omprakash J Tavri
With a teaching experience spanning over 33 years, Dr Omprakash Tavri is an inspiration and a driving force for many a young radiology graduates today. You cannot help but be enamoured by his boundless enthusiasm and a seemingly never-ending pool of knowledge. What sets him apart though, is his constant encouragement for every student to push their boundaries and shorten their learning curve.
A Professor in the Department of Radiology at D Y Patil Hospital, he is also the chief consultant at several leading radiological institutes in Mumbai like Asian Heart Institute and Insight Imaging Centre to name a few.
He has several publications to his credit and has co-authored textbooks in radiology. He has been an Editor-in-chief of the Indian Journal of Radiology as well as editor for numerous other journals. Currently, he is on the editorial board of Asia Oceanic Journal of Radiology and Springers’ Journals.
About the
Certificate: Fellowship in Body Imaging
Awarded by: DY Patil University (accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ GRADE)
Program Highlights:-
A one year comprehensive and well-balanced training program encompassing all of the basic and advanced clinical areas of adult abdominal and pelvic imaging.
The fellow receives “hands-on” experience at the workstation as well as through active procedure services with image-guided aspirations and biopsies.
Fellows fully participate in all aspects of clinical services, with frequent contact with our referring physicians; will work side by side with nationally acclaimed academic radiologists, and will interact with renowned clinicians
Fellows on rotations interpret MR and CT exams of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis with attending radiologists in the section.
Rotations include inpatient CT, outpatient CT, body MRI, cardiac MRI and cardiac CT
Experience in more specialized CT techniques including CT cerebral angiography, CT coronary angiography, 3D CT, etc.
Fellows are to be involved in a variety of MR studies including abdominal and pelvic imaging like cardiac MRI, MRCP, etc.
Fellows will be responsible for developing CT/MR protocols as well as for using the workstations to create both MR and CT 3D reconstructions.
There are several multidisciplinary conferences weekly or every other week that are staffed by Body Imaging section faculty
Fellows will be given an opportunity to conduct at least one original research study during the course duration
Eligibility Criteria
MD/DNB in Radiodiagnosis
Diploma in medical radiodiagnosis – with 1-yeartraining post diploma.
Duration Of Course
1 Year