• M.D. in Ayurved [Rog Nidan avum Vikriti Vigyan]

    DYPU has an educational approach that seeks to create a learning experience that will prepare students for the realities of the modern world.

    DY Patil University
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About the

Our Aim through this course is to create Community physicians in Ayurveda. It focuses on patient happiness in addition to their overall health and wellness. Students are taught techniques in prevention of diseases through Swasthavritta & Yoga . The curriculum gives equal importance to practical exposure as well as to various social activities like awareness lectures and camps to highlight the role of Ayurveda in healing and prevention of diseases and lifestyle disorders. Through awareness camps the students elucidate the importance of balanced ayurvedic diet so as to develop a healthy and happy community.

Visits to nearby schools and colleges for regular medical checkups, yoga camps, etc. are some more practical activities included in the coursework.

Intake Capacity


Course Duration and


Years to complete

DY Patil University


DY Patil University
2 +


DY Patil University

Fees Structure

INR 4,50,000/-Per Year

Who should opt for the

Our curriculum encourages a broad exploration of the design practice with an emphasis on user-centered approach and design thinking and beyond. We enable our students to develop critical, technical and managerial skills that align with the contemporary conversation within the industry also Entrepreneural thinking for self-development by aligning with thought leaders in the industry. The course is focused on process-driven work that examines all aspects of industrial design from conception to implementation. We equip our students with a wide-range of design skills and thought process that allow them to articulate their design ideas and thinking. Our exemplary infrastructure and workshops support model making and prototype building for different kinds of design briefs.

DY Patil University


Our curriculum encourages a broad exploration of the design practice with an emphasis on user-centered approach and design thinking and beyond. We enable our students to develop critical, technical and managerial skills that align with the contemporary conversation within the industry also Entrepreneural thinking for self-development by aligning with thought leaders in the industry. The course is focused on process-driven work that examines all aspects of industrial design from conception to implementation.

Year 1

Theory Paper II Part A
1.Understanding of Samprapti of diseases in Charaka Nidana Sthana in contemporary context 2. Clinical aspects of Dosha, Dhatu, Upadhatu, Mala, Agni, Ama, Srotas and Indriya 3. Understanding of the role of Trividha Avasthapaka in the vitiation of Dosha 4. Concept of Nanatmaja and Samanyaja Vikara 5. Clinical application of Avarana in diagnosis of various diseases 6. Clinical application of Shatkriyakala in diagnosis of diseases. 7. Clinical and applied aspects of concept of Upadrava and Arista 8. Understanding of Bija, Bijabhaga and Bijabhagavayava vikruti. 9. Clinical application of Doshapaka and Dhatupaka. 10. Understanding pathogenesis of santarpan and apatarpan.
Theory Paper II Part B
1. Ayurvedic interpretation of various laboratory investigations to derive treatment principles. 2. Interpretation of various Rogi Bala and Roga Bala technique to plan Chikitsa Sutra 3. Clinical examination of Deha Bala, Roga Bala, Agnibala And Chetas Bala 4. Knowledge of current diagnostic tools like ECG, X-Ray, CT scan, MRI and USG. 5. Introduction of Histopathology, Cytopathology, Haematopathology and Immunopathology. 6. Introduction of instruments used in pathology laboratory.
1. Duty in hospital OPD and IPD. 2. Duty in pathology laboratory. 3. Case taking – 25 cases 2 4. Performance of pathology and biochemistry practicals – 10 cases
Distribution of marks (Practical)
Case record (25 Cases)
10 marks
Bed side clinical case taking
20 marks
Long case
20 marks
Short case
10 Marks
Laboratory Practicals
20 Marks
Interpretation of ECG, EEG, X-ray, CT-Scan, MRI and USG
10 Marks
laboratory experiment record
10 Marks
20 Marks
Reference books
1. Madhav Nidan (Madhukosha Commentary) 2. Relevant portions of Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita and Vagbhata 3. Doshakaranatwa Mimamsa - Acharya P.V. Sharma 4. Nadi pariksha - Vb Athavale 5. Nadi Pariksha – - GP Upadhyay 6. Rogi Pariksha vidhi - Acharya Priyavrata Sharma 7. Nidan Panchak - Shivcharan Dhyani 8. Vyadhivigyan I and II - Yadav Thrikamji 9. Ayurvediya Roga Vargikaran - Vd. Ramanat Vd. Gurdip Singh 10. Ayurvediya Nidan Evum Chikitsa Ke Siddhanta - Prof. Ram Harsh Singh 11. Clinical methods in Ayurveda - K. R . S. Murthy 12. Parameswarappa’s Ayurvediya Vikriti Vigyan & Roga Vikriti Vigyan - Dr. P.S. Byadgi. 13. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Examination and Practical Skills 14. Symptoms & Signs in Clinical Medicine - Chamberlains 15. Hutchison’s Clinical Methods 16. Bedside Clinics in Medicine Part- I & II - Kundu 17. Practical Pathology - Dr. K. Uma Chaturvedi 18. Medical Laboratory Technology - R. Sood 19. Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory methods - Todd, Sanford and Davidson
Preparing students to make meaningful contributions to society as engaged citizens and leaders in a complex world

Roganidan - MD Final

Year 3

Paper- I
Fundamental Principles Of Roganidana 1. Concept of Tridosha and its Pathological implications. 63 permutations and combination ofTridosha. Lina and Stambhita Dosha, their cause and importance in manifestation of Samprapti 2. Concept of Rakta as a Chaturtha Dosha. Importance of Rakta in the manifestation of diseases. 3. Concept of Ashrayashrayi bhava and its applied utility. Different types of Dosha Gati. 4. Causative factors and practical utility of movement of Doshas from Kostha to Shakha and Shakha to Koshtha. Concept of Ashayapakarsha. 5. Trayo roga marga, their diseases and clinical importance of Roga Marga. 6. Concept and classification of Avarana, its role in pathogenesis, mode of diagnosis of Avarana and its importance in chikitsa sutra. 7. Applied aspect of Dhatu Poshana Krama and Dhatu Samvahana. Concept of Margaga and Sthanastha Dhatus. 8. Conept and applied aspects of Doshapaka and Dhatupaka 9. Fundamental and applied aspect of Dhatu, Upadhatu and Mala. Diseases developed due to their vitiation (pradoshaja vikara). 10. Concept and applied aspects of Srotas, their importance in health and diseased conditions. 11. Concept and applied aspects of Sroto Dushti and Khavaigunya. Understanding the various srotas which are not included in classical list of srotas but enumerated while describing the samprapti of diseases. 12. Description of Dosha-Dushya-Sammurchhana, Concept of Prakriti SamaSamaveta and Vikriti Vishama Samaveta Sammurchhana. Importance of DoshaDushya-Sammurchhana in Diagnosis and treatment 13. Concept of Vikara vighata bhavabhava prativisesha. 14. Concept of Agni and its role in manifestation of health and disease. 15. Concept and pathogenesis of Ama. Contemporary interpretation of Ama and its role in pathogenesis. 16. Sama, Nirama stages of Dosha, Dhatu and Mala. 17. Understanding Samprapti of Santarpanottha and Apatarpanottha Vyadhi 18. Detailed classification of diseases as described in Ayurveda. Knowledge of ICD and DSM classification. 19. Detailed understanding of Nidan Panchaka with their classification and clinical importance. Relation between ‘Hetu & Lakshana’ and ‘Samprapti & Lakshna’. 20. Explanation and applied aspects of Kriyakala and its utility in diagnosis and treatment. Importance of Upadrava, Arishta and Sadhyasadhyata and Udarka. 21. Natural History of the Diseases, concept of vyadhisankara in Ayurveda.
Paper II
Roga Vigyana Knowledge of classical Samprapti of following diseases with interpretation of Nidana Panchaka including Upadrava, Arishta and Sadhyasadhyata and Chikitsa Sutra. Knowledge of commonly occurring diseases of the respective systems mentioned in contemporary medicine and their Ayurvedic interpretation. 1. Diseases of Pranavaha srotas- Kasa - Shwasa - Hikka – Urahkshata – Shosha – Rajayakshma and Ayurvedic understanding of common clinical entities like Pneumonia, Pleural effusion, Bronchitis, Bronchiectasis, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Bronchial Asthma. 2. Diseases of Annavaha- Pureeshavaha Srotas- Agnimandya - Ajirna - AruchiChhardi, Amlapitta- Shoola, Grahani –Gulma- Udara Roga –Vibandha, Atisara – Pravahika alongwith various clinical presentations. Ayurvedic understanding of common clinical entities like Peptic Ulcer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Constipation ulcerative colitis. 3. Diseases of Udakavaha Srotas- Trishna, Daha and knowledge of water and electrolyte imbalance disorders 4. Diseases of Rasavaha Srotas - jwara and Ayurvedic understanding of common clinical entities like various types of Fever- Malaria, Typhoid, viral fevers. Pandu, Amavata, Hridroga, Shotha and Ayurvedic understanding of common clinical entities like Anaemia & its Classification, Rheumatic fever, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Angina, Ischaemic Heart Disease, Hypertension, Myocardial Infarction ,Congestive cardiac failure. 5. Diseases of Raktavaha Srotas- Kamala - Rakt\ apitta - Vatarakta – Kroshtukaseersha - Shitapitta – Maha Kushta – Visarpa – Shwitra and Kshudra Kushta and Ayurvedic understanding of common clinical entities like jaundice, hepatitis, bleeding disorders, Gout, Thrombo Angitis Obliterens (TAO), Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Leukaemia, Thalessemia, Sickle cell Anaemia. Introduction to Urticaria, Psoriasis, Eczema, Pemphigus, Herpes. 6. Diseases of Mamsavaha srotas- Introduction to Granthi, Arbuda,Galaganda and Arsha. Ayurvedic understanding of all types neoplasia and Thyroid diseases. 7. Diseases of Medovaha srotas- Sthoulya - Karshya – Prameha and Ayurvedic understanding of common clinical entities like Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus. 8. Diseases of Asthi - Majjavaha srotas- Sandhigatavata, Introduction to Asthimajjaparipaka, Asthigata Vidradhi and Ayurvedic understanding of common clinical entities like Osteo- Arthritis, Osteomyelitis, Osteoporosis. 9. Vatavyadhi-Akshepaka - Apatanaka - Ardita - Pakshaghata – Gridhrasi – Viswachi, Avabahuka, Manyasthambha – Katigraha-Pangutwa- Khanja-Khalwee and Ayurvedic understanding of common clinical entities like Hemiplagia, Parkinson’s disease, Lumbago- Sciatica syndrome, Bell’s Palsy, Ankylosing Spondylitis, MND and other commonly occurring neurological diseases. 10. Diseases of Sukravaha srotas- Klaibya and Vandhyatva and understanding of male and female Infertility, Impotence. 11. Diseases of Mutravaha srotas -Mutrakrichha – Mutraghata, Ashmari and Ayurvedic understanding of common clinical entities like Urinary Tract Infection, Urolithiasis, Nephropathies and Renal failure. 12. Diseases of Swedavaha srotas-knowledge of khalitya, Palitya and Cosmetology. 13. Diseases of Manovaha Srotas - Vishada, Udvega, Bhaya, Bhrama, Anidra, Mada, Murchha, Sanyasa, Apasmara, Unmada, Atatwabhinivesha and Ayurvedic understanding of common clinical entities like Depression, Anxiety neurosis, Phobia, Personality disorders 14. Indriya Pradoshaja Vikara. 15. Jara janya Vyadhi: Alzheimer’s Disease 16. Concept and tools for the study of Anukta Vyadhi (Unexplained and newly emerging diseases). 17. Understanding the concept of karmaja vyadhi
Paper III
Pariksha Vigyana 1. Introduction to Clinical methods and technique for the study of clinical examination 2. Importance of medical history taking and its importance in clinical medicine. 3. Aims, Objectives and Methods, applied aspects and importance of various Rogi and Roga Pariksha as per classics. 4. Srotas Pariksha, Shadanga Pariksha vis-à-vis general & systemic examination of patient. 5. Interpretation of Charakokta trividha pramana pariksha and Sushrutokta shadvidha pariksha with clinical methods mentioned in modern medicine. 6. Interpretation and use of ashtasthana nirikshana along with use of current tools as per Ayurveda. 7. Charakokta dashavidha and Sushrutokta Dwadashavidha pariksha along with the use of modern supportive tools for understanding of rogibala and roga bala concept to derive chikitsa sutra 8. Ayurvedic interpretation of all relevant findings of modern clinical examinations, various Laboratory and other Diagnostic tools. 9. Understanding of diagnostic procedures in medical emergencies. 10. Concept of Good clinical practice in Ayurveda and modern medicine. 11. Knowledge of standard clinical laboratory set up useful for Ayurvedic practice. 12. Knowledge of Ancillary common laboratory investigations for diagnosis of diseases, their methods, normal and abnormal values, factors influencing values and their Ayurvedic interpretations & clinical significance as mentioned in practical syllabus. 13. Importance of Bio markers and their utility in clinical researches 14. Update knowledge of emerging diagnostic tools and technologies. 15. Knowledge of various Ayurvedic diagnostic softwares/programmes available. 16. Avayava Pariksha – Radio- Imaging Techniques, Sonological Techniques, ECG, EEG etc and their clinical interpretation.
Paper IV
Vikriti Vigyana And Jivanu Vigyana 1. Introduction to pathology and technique for the study of pathology 2. Cell injury and cellular adaptations 3. Immunopathology including amyloidosis and its interpretation with the concept of Ojas vis-à-vis Bala 4. Concept of Shotha versus Inflammation, oedema and healing 5. Derangement of Homeostasis and Hemodynamic disorders 6. General character and classification of Neoplasia 7. Upasargajanya Vyadhi (Communicable diseases)- Romantika – Masurika – Upadamsha – Phirang and introduction to Syphilis, AIDS, Leprosy, Tuberculosis 8. Detail study of Krimi Vigyanam versus infectious and parasitic diseases along with their mode of infection and life cycle 9. Concept of Snayuka, Shleepada and introduction to Filariasis and classification of common parasites. 10. Concept and applied aspects of Janapadodhvamsa and Environmental diseases 11. Nutritional disorders 12. Concept of genetic diseases and its interpretation in terms of Bija dosha 13. Knowledge of common Bacteria, Virus, Parasites, Fungi and their classification with their disease processes, Nutrition requirements, media and methods for culture and sensitivity
Bedside Practical /Clinical Methods
1. Expertise in clinical methods (General and Systemic Examination). 2. Practical knowledge of examination of Roga based on Pancha Nidan. 3. Practical knowledge of instruments used for clinical examination. 4. Practical records of clinical examination of at least 30 long cases in I.P.D. 5. Practical records of clinical examination of at least 50 short cases. 6. Practical knowledge of ECG, USG and Imaging techniques and their clinical interpretation 7. Understanding of various Ayurvedic diagnostic softwares/programmes available like Ayu soft, Rudra,Ayut Nidana etc.
Preparing students to make meaningful contributions to society as engaged citizens and leaders in a complex world

Pattern Of Examination

Paper I
100 hours of training and 100 marks
Paper II
100 hours of training and 100 marks
Paper III
100 hours of training and 100 marks
Paper IV
100 hours of training and 100 marks
Hospital/Laboratory duties at least 4 Hours per day and Total 200 marks.
Observation Diary
10 Marks
Laboratory Records
10 Marks
Short Case (including Case Record)
20 Marks
Long Case (including Case Record)
30 Marks
Laboratory Work
40 Marks
Thesis Presentation
40 Marks
Viva Voce
50 Marks
Reference Books
1. Charaka Samhita with Various Commentaries 2. Madhava Nidana with various commentaries 3. Abhinava Vikriti Vigyana- Acharya Raghuvir Prasad Dwivedi 4. Doshakaranatwa Mimamsa - Acharya P.V. Sharma 5. Nadi Darshan - Vd. Tara Shankar Mishra 6. Nadi Vigyanam - Vidyotini Hindi Tika 7. Nadi Vigyan - Shri Satya Dev Vashisht 8. Nadi Vigyan - Gangadhar Tika 9. Nadi pariksha - Vaidya VB Athavale 10. Nadi Pariksha - GP Upadhyay 11. Rogi Pariksha vidhi - Acharya PriyavrataSharma 12. Roga Vigyan - Dr.Vinay Kumar 13. Siddanta Nidan - Gananatha Sen 14. Ayurvediya Roga Vargikaran - Vd. Ramanath and Vd. Gurdip Singh 15. Ayurvediya Nidan Evum Chikitsa Ke Siddhanta - Prof. Ram Harsh Singh 16. Relevant portions of Charak Samhita,Sushrut Samhita and Vagbhata 17. Clinical methods in Ayurveda - K. R . S. Murthy 18. Parameswarappa’s Ayurvediya Vikriti Vigyan - Dr. P.S. Byadgi.and Roga Vikriti Vigyan 19. Nidan Panchaka - Prof SC Dhyani 20. Samprapti lakshana yoh sambhandah - K.Sadashiva Sharma 21. Clinical Diagnosis in Ayurveda in - Vaidya Vasant PatilRoga Nidana and Vikriti Vigyana 22. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Examination - Oxford Handbooks and Practical Skills 23. Symptoms & Signs in Clinical Medicine - Chamberlains 24. Clinical Methods - Hutchinson’s 25. Bedside Clinics in Medicine Part- I & II - Kundu 26. Practical Pathology - Dr. K. Uma Chaturvedi 27. Medical Laboratory Technology - R. Sood 28. Clinical Diagnosis and Management by - Todd, Sanford and Davidson 29. Robbins Basic Pathology - Kumar, Abbas, Fausto at 30. Text Book of Pathology - William Boyds. 31. Text Book of Pathology - Harsh Mohan 32. Text Book of Pathology - Dey and Dey 33. Text Book of Parasitology - Ramnik Sood 34. Clinical Pathology and Bacteriology - S.P. Gupta 35. A Text Book of Microbiology - Ananthanarayana, Panikar
Preparing students to make meaningful contributions to society as engaged citizens and leaders in a complex world


  • DY Patil University
  • DY Patil University
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