About the
A B.Sc Honours in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics program stands at the forefront of scientific exploration, immersing students in the transformative landscapes of biotechnology and bioinformatics. Within the context of sustainable development and Earth conservation, the program emerges as a pivotal force, recognizing biotech education as a key driver of progress. From the creation of artificial life to the complexities of stem cell research and gene mapping, the curriculum delves into the revolutionary forces that have redefined our existence.
This program’s design is strategically crafted to seamlessly integrate biological knowledge with the development of cutting-edge technologies, placing a special emphasis on applications in vital sectors like food, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare. Students, in their pursuit of knowledge, are not only equipped with the technical skills necessary for laboratory work but are also guided to unravel the intricacies of legal issues affecting the biotechnology industries. This holistic approach ensures a comprehensive understanding that extends beyond the confines of the laboratory, preparing graduates to navigate the multifaceted landscape of biotechnological advancements.
The program recognizes and caters to the interests of students who are passionate about bioinformatics especially those interested in the application of computational tools and techniques to analyze biological data. Acknowledging that bioinformatics is integral to modern biological research, the curriculum equips students with the necessary skills to handle vast datasets and extract meaningful insights. This inclusion aligns with the program’s commitment to providing a well-rounded education that encompasses both biological principles and advanced computational methodologies
The candidate must be either 17 years of age or attain the age at the time of admission. Candidate must have passed HSC (10+2) or equivalent examination from a recognized Board, securing minimum 50% marks in the aggregate of all subjects. Physics, Chemistry and English are compulsory and the student should have cleared either Mathematics / Biology in standard XII examinations leading to an aggregate of 50% as mentioned above.
Duration of Course
4 Years
Who should opt for the
The B.Sc. Honours in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics program is a novel program and has been designed as per NEP 2020. The program has been designed for students who have a keen interest in the interdisciplinary fields of biotechnology and bioinformatics. The program is a perfect choice for students who are interested in the use of computational tools and techniques to analyze biological data. This program integrates principles and techniques from biology, chemistry, computer science, and other related disciplines to explore and solve complex biological problems.

With over 75 programs in Health and Allied sciences, Business
management, Sports, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics and
Hospitality & Tourism studies, DYPU is today recognised as one of the finest institutions in the field of education, healthcare and sports.

At DY Patil, we have dedicated and efficient the Career Service Departments/Placement cells for all of its constituent colleges that provide customized placement opportunities to its students as per their individual skill sets, capabilities and knowledge.