Examination Schedule & System
The University follows the semester system with two semesters in an academic year for its program.
The odd/even semester begins in August, while the spring semester begins in January each year.
Each programme in a semester is based on a credit system depending on the contact hours provided to that programme.
The number of teaching days is 90 days in a semester, and it includes lectures, tutorials, practicals, projects, seminars, paper presentation, quiz, and dissertation.
Field & Industrial Trainings are organized to supplement the concepts taught in the classrooms.
Moot Court Sessions, visits to courts, attending and organizing Legal Aid Camps are mandatory for law students.
Students are required to maintain an attendance of 75% on average in all the teaching activities to appear in the examinations.
The students are graded based on formative assessment in the form of Sessional Examinations, practicals, projects, seminars, paper presentations, and quizzes etc
The University has a moderation system to keep on checks and controls on marks or grades awarded in Sessional examinations and external examinations.
The external and sessional question papers are being framed with the help of Blooms’ Taxonomy to match up with COs of each course with POs of each programme.
The University lays stress on overall personality development and sensitivity towards national/international issues by making them familiar with many life skills courses under non-credit courses. These NCC are mandatorily required to pass by the student to obtain the degree.
The Powers and Duties of Examination Committee (EC)
The EC shall ensure proper performance of the various duties in conducting examinations viz. paper setting, time table preparation, assessment and declaration of results.
The EC shall recommend examination reforms and shall implement them after approval of academic council.
The EC shall prepare the detailed time table of examinations as per the schedule approved by academic council.
The EC shall arrange for strict vigilance during the conduct of examination so as to avoid use of unfair means by the students, faculty, and invigilators.
Complaint Redressal Committee (CRC) shall be an independent committee consisting of three members appointed by Chairman, EC as and when required to deal with the complaints related to the conduct of examinations.
The recommendations of the CRC shall be approved by Chairman, EC to take appropriate disciplinary actions in the concerned matter. The disciplinary actions shall be endorsed by the EC.
For any meeting of EC, one-third members shall constitute a quorum.
The members of EC shall meet at least twice during the academic year and at other times as and when necessary.
The various formats shall be prepared by EC for record keeping and monitoring all examination related activities.
The EC shall perform such duties and responsibilities that are assigned by Academic Council of the institute from time to time.
Controller of Examination (CE) shall be assisted by the Assistant Controllers of Examination (ACE).
Continuous Internal Examinations (CIE)
CIEs of theory are to be conducted by the course teacher all through the semester. Total marks for CIE of each course are 30.
This shall include 25 marks from the average of marks obtained in the best 2 out of 3 descriptive/objective examinations and 5 marks for assignments. In descriptive/objective examination, student has to answer all 4 questions of 10 marks each in 120 minutes duration; the total marks of 40 shall be scaled down to 25.
Out of total 25 lab internal marks, 10 marks are for day to day evaluation, 5 marks are for record and 10 marks are for internal test.
The marks obtained by the student in CIE will be displayed in the respective departments and the students are expected to affix their signatures during a prescribed period as a confirmation of their verification of the marks.
Appointment of Paper Setters and Examiners
The paper setting of SEE shall be done by the external faculty who is teaching the course. A panel of subject experts from outside the college shall be prepared for this purpose. This step is necessary for gaining the confidence of the University and also of the society at large, on the fairness and transparency in the system.
Two sets of papers to be possessed for each course. The remuneration for paper setting is to be proposed by the Finance Committee.
Semester End Examination for Lab courses
Semester End Examination for lab shall be conducted as per the examination schedule approved by EC. However in case of any emergency, the examination may be rescheduled with the prior approval of CE.
DEC shall act as coordinator for conducting practical examinations. HOD/DEC of the concerned department shall be responsible for proper conduct of practical examinations and various examination related activities of the concerned department. He/She shall, however, take the services of staff of his/her Department for this purpose.
DECs in consultation with HOD and CE shall prepare detailed timetable (batch-wise) for the lab examination of the concerned department.
The HOD shall submit the schedule and final list of examiners for all lab examinations to exam cell. Based on the list of examiners received from HOD, CE shall issue the appointment orders.
For external evaluation of UG project and PG project, external examiner outside the college is mandatory.
HOD of concerned department shall send the required panels of external examiners for UG and PG projects to the exam cell. The appointment orders of internal and external examiner shall be issued by CE.
HOD of the concerned department shall appoint staff for lab examination and forward the copy of the same to the CE.
Internal examiners shall make all the necessary arrangements of equipment/laboratory setup required for conducting lab examination of the courses for which their appointment is made.
After the lab examination of the course is over, internal examiner along with the other examiner shall prepare the mark list, and submit it in sealed envelope to exam cell on the same day or latest by the next working day along with TA/DA and remuneration bills. These marks are not to be disclosed to the students.
The supplementary examinations for B.Tech. will be conducted usually 2-3 weeks after announcement of results.
Central Assessment
Assessment of answer books of semester end examination shall be done by external evaluators.
All evaluators to sit together to decide a common scheme of evaluation in writing before beginning assessment.
Award step-wise marks for each solved question. Transfer marks carefully on the front page of the answer book and carry out total of marks correctly.
Blank pages should be struck and signed by evaluator of the answer book.
The evaluator shall neither put any comment nor any markings in the answer script. He/she shall place the marks for answers in specified spaces provided on the cover page.
He/she shall put signature with his/her name in the space provided on the cover page of the answer book.
He/she, who handled the answer book later, should hand over valued answer books to concerned officials.
Preservation of assessed answer books
All valued answer books shall be preserved for two consecutive semesters in strong room of Examination cell.
Semester End Examination Result Results will usually be declared after one week from the date of the last examination. After all grievances are addressed, the final result will be declared by CE office.
Re-Counting If student is aggrieved of SEE marks declared, he/she may apply for the recounting of marks in answer book by paying prescribed fee.
Re-Counter shall see that examinee attempted the questions considering the internal choice and shall check the marks given by the evaluator are as per the marks allotted to the questions.
Re-Counter shall see all questions and sub questions are valued and awarded marks.
Re-Counter shall report to CE in case of any discrepancy, and CE shall get it corrected.
Revaluation of Answer books If student is aggrieved of SEE marks declared, he/she may apply for the revaluation of answer book by paying prescribed fee. All the cases of re-valuation where the change in marks occur, they should get corrected.
Challenge evaluation
If student is not satisfied with SEE result, a facility to get evaluated by the external evaluator along with concerned subject teacher appointed for this purpose. He/she may apply for the challenge evaluation within three working days. The following procedure shall be followed.
A candidate desirous of challenge evaluation of the answer book(s) shall be required to apply in the prescribed form.
The candidate shall be required to submit separate application for each course.
The candidate shall have to submit application form within 03 days (both days inclusive) from the date of display of marks of the concerned course(s).
The candidate shall have to submit application to the office of CE after paying requisite fee per answer book or such fee as may be prescribed by the Institute from time to time.
Candidate will be responsible for submitting application in prescribed time limit. An application form received after the last date will not be accepted.
Upon receipt of the application, the paper to be scrutinized for the following.
Whether the total marks displayed in the given paper matches with the marks awarded to the candidate on the cover page of the answer book.
Whether the question-wise marks awarded to all the questions inside the answer book are correctly carried over on the cover page.
Whether the total of the question-wise marks on the cover page is correct. d. Whether all the answers in the answer book have been assessed by the examiner.
If any question or part of it in the answer book is observed to be un-assessed, the same shall be got assessed from the examiner in the subject and additional marks, if any, awarded shall be then carried, noted and added on the cover page also and accordingly the total of the marks shall be corrected. e. The CE shall issue corrected statement of marks to the concerned department for display.
Guidelines/Instructions to the Invigilators
Ask the students to keep their books, note books, mobile phones and their written materials at the front of the hall/outside the hall. Enter correct seat numbers; use only blue ink for writing.
Check whether the students have occupied their seats as per the seating arrangement.
Distribute answer books to the students at least 10 minutes before the start of the examination and ask them to fill in correct details on the front page of the answer books,
Distribute the question papers to the students at the beginning of the examination,
Check the identity cards of the students and sign on their answer books, if all details are correct.
Take the signature of students on the attendance proforma, mark “AB” for absent students and maintain the attendance record of his/her examination hall,
Distribute the supplements, graph papers to the students as and when demanded by the students and maintain the record of supplements issued in the given proforma,
Maintain general discipline in the classroom by frequently moving in the examination hall and preventing any malpractices or attempt of copying by students.
Report cases of misbehavior, indiscipline, malpractices and copying cases of students to the CE for further necessary action,
Give warning to the students to tie their supplements, 10 minutes before the end of examination,
Collect the answer books from the students at the end of examination and arrange them sequentially as per the examination seat numbers of students for each course separately,
Hand over the answer books and filled in proforma to CE.