• Guest Lecture

    DY Patil University
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Guest Lecture on Bazar Shastra

The guests lecture committee in association with Rotaract Committee have organized a guest lecture by Mr. Ankit Mehta, Chief Strategic Officer,Flintopedia. on 27th October 2023.

He addressed the students about matters pertaining to investment in equity. He spoke about
various avenues of investment available to salaried individuals, as well as for studentsand explained why it was notprudent to keep all savings in bank fixed deposits, as the post-tax return was quite often below thelevel of inflation. According to him, equity is an asset class that can give a reasonably satisfactoryreturn, as it is taxed at a lower level than debt instruments. He cautioned that equity trading forquick gain is not at all advisable as it is akin to gambling and could lead to an erosion of capital.Further, any investment ought to be made only after first considering risk-bearing capacity andrisk appetite. Investments in equity could be made directly through an online trading account orthrough equity-based mutual funds. However, to realize a satisfactory return with a greater degreeof certainty it was necessary to stay invested for at least 5-6 years.He also recommended that investors should
target companies with a solid financial profile. He asserted that a beginner must identify
companies in which mutual funds had invested as they could be relied upon to vet the financialsof a company prior to investing. Another advice was to Favor companies that are likely to bebenefitted by government policies and perform well in the near future. Such investments wouldbe both safe and financially rewarding. The session was interactive with students’ activeparticipation throughout the talk. The best part of the session was mock share market competition where students have participated enthusiastically from which 3 winners were announced and given the certificates right after the announcements.

Around 300 students and 3 faculties (Dr. Kiran Khairnar, Dr Alpha Lokhande and Dr. Rupali Upganlawar) have attended the session.

DY Patil University


DY Patil University