• Fellowship Program in Forensic Odontology and Applied Jurisprudence

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    DY Patil University
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DY Patil University

About Program Director & Chief Mentor

Dr. Ashith Acharya

He needs no introduction. He heads India’s first exclusive department of Forensic Odontology in Dharwad. Apart from serving as a consultant to police and other government agencies, he guides post graduate research and conducts workshops on diverse aspects of the subject. A keen researcher with 45 published articles – 35 of which have found a feature in the international forensic and dental journals and nearly 30 research papers. In fact, Prof. Acharya features in this year’s list of the world’s top 1% forensic researchers (as per study by Elsevier BV and scientists of Stanford University). A member of the International Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology’s (IOFOS) Age Estimation Workgroup and Bite Mark Workgroup, he is first from India to serve on the editorial board of the Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (the official publication of IOFOS). Over the years, he has proved to be a great mentor for us. And now, he is our Official Mentor faculty. So, if you want to make a career in Forensic Dentistry, look no further.
Allow us to introduce ‘Fellowship Program in Forensic Odontology and Applied Jurisprudence’. Immaculately designed, this 1-year program is compiled in a modular format to boost your dental skills in the right direction.

About the

Fellowship Program in Forensic Odontology and Applied Jurisprudence
Awarded by: DY Patil Deemed to be University
(Established under section 3 of UGC act, 1956 vide notification no. F.9.21/2000 – U.3 dated 20.06.2002 of the Govt. of India)

Program Highlights:-
Course Format comprises of
• Didactics
• Practical Sessions
• Mentor guided personalized training for various forensic techniques
• Mock Court Room Sessions
• Mock Crime Scenes and training to perform related Investigations
State-of-the-art Infrastructure
Advanced Armamentarium and Equipment (provided by University)
Premium Membership of Peer-reviewed Literature (exclusive login ID’s and passwords)
Access to unique application for Digital Learning and Revision (Exclusive login ID’s)
Hospitality (F&B only) for entire On-Campus Training (provided by University)


Minimum qualification of B.D.S or equivalent from a recognized Institution in India or Overseas


There are 4 Modules spread over a period of 12 Months.

I Module – 3 days: February
II Module – 3 days: June
III Module – 3 days: October
IV Module – 8 days (Offline) + 1 day (End of course examinations)

Calendar Year

November 2025 – October 2026


1. Original Birth Certificate
2. Copy of Passport
3. Original Domicile
4. Copy of Aadhar card
5. Two passport size photographs
6. Original DCI Registration Certificate
7. Original Mark sheets
8. Original Degree Certificate of BDS/MDS/Others
9. Copy of Passport of Parents (only for overseas candidates)
10. Proof of NRI Status of candidate/Parents (only for overseas candidates)
11. Transcripts (only for overseas candidates)
12. Copy of Visa (only for overseas candidates)
13. Original Acknowledgement Receipt of fees (RTGS/NEFT/DD/CHEQUE)

Course Syllabus

Introduction, history and overview of Forensic Odontology
Various methods used for Age Estimation
Clinical / Morphological / Histological / Radiographic
Identification of Human Remains
Legal Aspects of Forensic Odontology
Sex assessment of teeth and skull bones
Bite mark investigations
Disaster victim identification
Other Methods of Forensic Identification – Lip prints, palatal rugae and denture marking
Dental Anthropology, Archaeology
Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) with MOCK SESSIONS
DNA Identification of dental remains
MOCK COURT ROOM Scenes / Sessions
CASE EXPOSURE (resolved cases with discussion)
VISIT TO MORTUARY – Live Observation of Postmortem & Oral Autopsy

Grading System

Theory examination (MCQs & Essay)
Practical Examination & Viva Voice
Clinical Log-Book Evaluation
Written Assignments
Case Presentation

Total Fees

For Indian Candidates, Course fees are Rs.40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand Only)
For Overseas and NRI Candidates, Course fees are 1500 US Dollars


  • DY Patil University
  • DY Patil University
  • DY Patil University
  • DY Patil University
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