About the
DY Patil Deemed to be University School of Architecture, Navi Mumbai Is Approved by Council Of Architecture, with a COA institute code of MH-16. The School of Architecture runs under the ambit of DY Patil Deemed to be University, Navi Mumbai with a NAAC accreditation of ‘A++’ Grade and an all India NIRF ranking of 88 in 2019. The college is dedicated to DY Patil Group’s mission of imparting modern updated education. Established in 1992, the program of Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) was started. Initially, the School of architecture was administered by Ramrao Adik Education Society under the DY Patil Group and the School of Architecture was affiliated to the University of Mumbai with approval from the Council of Architecture.
In the year 2019, it was brought under the ambit of DY Patil Deemed to be University, Navi Mumbai. In 2018 a separate School of Architecture was started under DY Patil Deemed to be University, Navi Mumbai, which was later decided to be closed and merged with the old school of Architecture. Since coming under DY Patil Deemed to be University, Navi Mumbai, the School of Architecture has developed its own academic syllabus which is modified from time to time as per the demands of the profession and a degree is awarded at the completion of the program.
Academic excellence is ensured by experienced faculties and facilitated by art facilities. The curriculum is designed to provide a balanced mix of theoretical discipline and opportunities for fluid expression of creativity. Ample opportunities for practical exposure and professional interaction are provided through various forums and events.
Duration and Eligibility
5 Year Full *me programme Guided by COA minimum Standards 2020 – NEP2020 Integrated
As per COA minimum Standards 2020 –
1. No candidate shall be admiFed to architecture course unless she / he has passed
10+2 or equivalent examina*on with Physics, Chemistry and Mathema*cs as
compulsory subjects with at least 50% marks in aggregate or passed 10+3 Diploma
Examina*on with Mathema*cs as compulsory subject with at least 50% marks in
2. Qualifying Examina*on as per COA minimum Standards 2020 – NATA Examina*on
Who should opt for the
Our curriculum encourages a broad exploration of the design practice with an emphasis on user-centered approach and design thinking and beyond. We enable our students to develop critical, technical and managerial skills that align with the contemporary conversation within the industry also Entrepreneural thinking for self-development by aligning with thought leaders in the industry. The course is focused on process-driven work that examines all aspects of industrial design from conception to implementation. We equip our students with a wide-range of design skills and thought process that allow them to articulate their design ideas and thinking. Our exemplary infrastructure and workshops support model making and prototype building for different kinds of design briefs.

This program in Architecture is to prepare students for professional practice in the field of Architecture by providing them with necessary professional/industrial exposure.
It provides the experience necessary for all-round development to be able to become responsible architects, team leaders, and entrepreneurs of society. Encouraging individual strengths, intellects, and proficiency in professional skills to enable students to pursue allied careers, within the broad range of architecture.
The syllabus has further categorized the Professional Core as Design, Art, and Technical courses. In order to achieve the above broad objectives, the program focuses on process-driven aims at detailing the methodology than the final product.
The program aims at excellence in Architecture with Design as a major component. The integrated approach will enable students to take supportive inputs from courses in other streams viz., History, Art, Technical skills, and Professional enhancement skills, built upon a strong foundation of enabling skills in communications and data analyzing.
The program aims at achieving excellence in the courses by focusing on an integrated approach where the student receives a holistic understanding of the courses.
The first semester of the first year of the program is where the basics of developing architectural skills play a vital role with subjects like Architectural design, Visual design, art, graphics, building construction, History of Culture and architecture, Environmental studies, etc. This semester focuses on enabling the thought process in designing any product or space, keeping in mind the importance of user needs in designing.
The second-year sets the technical base of the field sensitizing students to perceive architectural studies with a much more practical perspective. Offering more options to electives and aided computer technologies to cope with the demands of the field.
These semesters form the foundation of Advanced Skills and allow for hands-on courses, seminars, workshops that run parallel to the situational studios. Here the student is allowed to grow on his or her own trajectory for future specialization.
In the fourth year of the program, the students are imparted with a sound knowledge of all aspects of modern building technology to be able to draw up an integrated framework for activities to implement them well. This is manifested in the manner in which courses under Design and Building Sciences are integrated. To achieve this objective, the course is conducted as a combination of lectures and studios that will be conducted as workshops and labs as required.
Semester IX is for Professional field training under a registered architect to prepare students to align their early on gathered knowledge of the field and Semester X is for Design Dissertation (Thesis) related courses
Annual fees for B. Arch course is Rs 3.50 Lakhs per annum.
PO1 Perceive beyond the obvious and innovate ‘Out Of the Box’ designs
PO2 Acquire the tools of Perceptions, Abstraction and Representation
PO3 Think critically and argue for unique stand-points
PO4 Apply the argument for stating the (Design) problem
PO5 Understand various aspects of Building Sciences and Technology (BST)
PO6 Integrate the know-how of BST in the (Design) process
PO7 Engage with various allied disciplines
PO8 Integrate allied disciplines with architecture
PO9 Understand the nuances of Building Practices
PO10 Apply innovation and Critical stand-points to Practice
PO11 Develop insights into changing scenarios, Climatic/ Socio-political, Global
PO12 Employ latest (Design) Tools, Technology and Practices to achieve
With over 75 programs in Health and Allied sciences, Business
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Hospitality & Tourism studies, DYPU is today recognised as one of thefinest institutions in the field of education, healthcare and sports.

At DY Patil, we have dedicated and efficient the Career Service Departments/Placement cells for all of its constituent colleges that provide customized placement opportunities to its students as per their individual skill sets, capabilities and knowledge.